This may require several posts but I will start by saying why I took my first DNA test which was with Living DNA.
The Living DNA test would give me a better idea of where my genetic origins lay in England. I was expecting it to be largely in the Southern counties where I knew my family had lived for a couple of centuries or longer.
Below is the current breakdown.
Great Britain and Ireland 94.9%
South Central England 50.6%
Southeast England 14.3%
South England 11.6%
Devon 8.5%
East Anglia 6%
South Wales 1.4%
Cornwall 1.3%
Orkney and Shetland Islands 1.1%
Europe (North and West) 2.8%
Northwest Germanic 2.8%
Europe (South) 2.3%
East Iberia 1.1%
Tuscany 1.1%
I have unknown fathers in my ancestry which might account for the smaller percentages outside of England.
When I took this test there was no way to connect with others who might share ancestors with me other than to upload to
gedmatch. This allows you to compare with others who may have tested with a different company.
Before I went to RootsTech in 2018 there was an opportunity to get a free test, with My Heritage, which I took up, after which I started to get matches with others.
Most of these matches were quite distant but some have since led me to look at my records again in an attempt to see where we might have shared ancestry.
I will explain more about what I have discovered in my next post.
Why did you take a test? If you haven't why not?
Have you made any discoveries after you took a test?
Are you glad you took a test?
Do you regret taking a test?
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