Thursday, 17 March 2016

The SMITH Line

Original post published 14th January 2008 on my blog

The SMITH line has grown this year and thanks to Paul SMITH making contact with another descendant of James SMITH I also have scanned copies of photographs of Fanny SMITH aged about 19 in about 1891 and a group photograph of other members of her family.
The group consists of James, his mother Mary Ann, his son James, Emily CARRINGTON wife of the younger James, their daughters Lilian and Florence and Edith Fanny's sister. This photo was taken about 1901 and Mary was born about 1817.
The IGI has possible ancestors for Mary which will need confirming but assuming the family stayed in Bulkington and the transcriptions are correct we may have them back to late 17th century.
Hannah's father proves somewhat elusive. Her mother was widowed in 1838 and Hannah was born 1846 some 6 months before her mother's marriage to William ELLIS.
Maria, Hannah's mother, also had 3 more children before Hannah and after the death of her first husband none of whom were her first husband's offspring. She had 4 children with her first husband John CHAMBERLAIN and had at least 1 more George ELLIS. On the 1881 census they are using the surname Messenger and this has been added as a middle name on the 1871 census.
There were several grandchildren on the census who appear to be children of an unmarried daughter so at least one of them followed in mother's footsteps.

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